Eastern Antioquia has turned into one of the most attractive places in Colombia and Latin America to invest. If you are looking for a new place to live or an exceptional place to locate or relocate your company, look no further! Eastern Antioquia is the place. Here are some reasons why investing in Eastern Antioquia is a good decision.

The people: Definitely one of the most important factors when deciding to invest in a territory must be its inhabitants. Eastern Antioquia is home of a great human capital; not only the hospitality of the people makes living in the territory very pleasant, but also the talent of its people makes this place special. This also translates into an opportunity for those companies that want to settle in the territory due to the possibilities of accessing high-quality human capital. Also, the proximity to Medellín means that access to very good quality labor is abundant in most cases and, thus, guarantees the good operation of the companies that settle in our territory.

The José María Córdova Airport: Our international airport put Eastern Antioquia on the economic map of the country and the world. Travelers not only arrive through the airport to carry out their tourist activities in Medellín and Eastern Antioquia, but it is also the place of entry and exit of goods for national and international consumption. Thanks to the arrival of the airport in 1985, industries, such as flowers, have been consolidated in the territory, promoting the generation of thousands of jobs and development for the entire region. In turn, the airport is becoming a very important asset for the consolidation of Eastern Antioquia, Medellin and Colombia as one of the most important tourist destinations worldwide. Finally, to say that thanks to the international connectivity that the José María Córdova Airport has, it allows american, european, latin american travelers, among others, to easily access our territory.

Jose Maria Cordova International Airport 

Proximity to Medellín: Having Medellín as our neighbor is definitely one of the most important factors for real estate development in Eastern Antioquia, especially in the San Nicolás Valley. With the opening of the Tunel de Oriente (Eastern Tunnel) in 2019, the distance between Medellín and the San Nicolás Valley was shortened to just 25 minutes, this has made Eastern Antioquia a much more viable option to live and visit by the inhabitants of the Valle de Aburrá (Aburra Valley). There are many people who work in Medellín who live in cities like Rionegro or La Ceja; The commute between both valleys is more efficient thanks to a good road infrastructure and the new Tunnel.

Quedate en el ColivingRgro®, apartamentos amoblados con todo lo que necesitas para vivir y trabajar en Rionegro; descubre sus espacios  AQUÍ!

Services: Gone are the days when we Orientals had to go to Medellin to run errands. Eastern Antioquia, especially the Altiplano (highlands), has a variety of services available to all its inhabitants and visitors. Shopping centers, hospitals, universities and offices with different services are preeminent in the territory; this provides a more comfortable life in the San Nicolás Valley.

San Vicente Clinic

Appreciation: The real estate market in Eastern Antioquia has shown very good levels of appreciation in the last decade. According to data from La Lonja, in 2020 El Retiro had an appreciation of 11.5%, Rionegro 10% and El Carmen de Viboral 3.9%, which is an indicator of the good health of the real estate market in Eastern Antioquia, one more reason to invest in this territory. 

Inversion en el Oriente Antioqueño
Inversion en el Oriente Antioqueño

Stability: The stability of the real estate market in Eastern Antioquia is amazing. Even in times of pandemic we had a relatively low vacancy; similarly, the values ​​of the leases -including housing in urban and rural areas- are very similar to leases in major cities such as Medellín, and in some cases are equivalent to areas of cities such as Bogotá.

Regional projects: The levels of appreciation and stability observed in Eastern Antioquia are associated with regional projects. Investments in roads and other public facilities make the territory of Eastern Antioquia more attractive, especially in the San Nicolas Valley. Likewise, private investment and the establishment of important companies in our territory make it more attractive for investment. Large investments by economic groups such as Ultra Air, Grupo Sura, Vax Thera or LifeFactors have been announced in recent months, which will guarantee the opening of more job opportunities for the inhabitants of our territory and the arrival of important investments for construction works in public and private infrastructure.

Settlement of foreign investment: It is increasingly common to see the presence of foreign investment in Eastern Antioquia. The arrival of foreign investment is definitely a thermometer of stability and tranquility, in addition to promoting the arrival of more investment in the territory. It is difficult to know if an investment will pay positive returns or not; however, by having foreign investment in our territory, the chances of losing are less.

Devaluation of the peso: Despite the negative effect on the prices of imported goods and services, the devaluation of the Colombian peso against the dollar has become an important factor for investing in Eastern Antioquia and in Colombia in general. Currently the dollar is hovering around four thousand five hundred pesos, due to this, investments in Colombia, and especially in Eastern Antioquia, become very attractive for foreigners. If we combine the effect caused by devaluation with the other factors that we have discussed in this article, Eastern Antioquia becomes a great place to invest. 

Water, air, quality of life: The quality of environmental conditions in Eastern Antioquia are exceptional. We have an abundance of water resources, the quality of the air is exceptional and the quality of life, in places like the highlands of Eastern Antioquia, is excellent.

Oriente Antioqueño inversion

Weather: I don’t know of a place in the world with a more perfect climate than that of Rionegro and the highlands of Eastern Antioquia. Tornadoes, hurricanes, snow, intense cold, heat, humidity, etc., do not exist in Rionegro. What the highlands of Eastern Antioquia do have is a spectacular moderate climate, with cool and sometimes rainy nights, and usually sunny days that are conducive to a wide variety of outdoor activities and a variety of crops, especially flowers, avocados and fruits. Air-conditioning? No thanks, heating? No thanks, a blanket is enough or just opening a window a little bit is enough to cool your room.

Quedate en el ColivingRgro®, apartamentos amoblados con todo lo que necesitas para vivir y trabajar en Rionegro; descubre sus espacios  AQUÍ!

Finally, we can say the future of Eastern Antioquia is very promising. Large infrastructure works are coming up in the territory, such as, the construction of the second runway of the José María Córdova Airport, the consolidation of the Rionegro road plan -which has influence throughout the highlands- and the planning for the construction of a mass transportation system in Rionegro and the San Nicolás Valley. These projects make the economic future of Eastern Antioquia very favorable, definitely, Eastern Antioquia is the promised land!

Another reason? Which? share in the comments!

Look at these options to stay in Eastern Antioquia:

Coliving Rgro 202: https://airbnb.com/h/colivingrgro202

Coliving Rgro 302: https://airbnb.com/h/colivingrgro302


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